OUR STORY (as written by Rev. Pat) SUPPORT EarthSpirit
A long long time ago…..
During the year 2005, one minister in Pottsville, Pennsylvania contemplated starting a church where people of all faiths could gather to worship and learn about each others’ customs and to become a community who can be of support to each other. Three years later and 1,100 miles away in Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, another minister was doing just that. The name of his church was The Wellness Interfaith Church. Although neither minister made any progress with their plans, it wasn’t until they met each other another five years later that things started to fall into place. And in January 2016, EarthSpirit Interfaith Ministry was born. Although we only existed in cyberspace at the time, our first actual get-together wasn’t until December 2017. Through occasional events with sporadic attendance, we continued to exist through thick and thin, through both the construction of our bare-boned loft where we meet to a pandemic which lasted three years. Now, it is finally time we become official, and that we did on February 14, 2024.
EarthSpirit Interfaith Ministry is incorporated as an actual non-profit organization and a church. Rev. Becky and I are its co-pastors, both Ordained Ministers who make ourselves available to perform various life-event services such as weddings, baptisms, funerals, memorials, baby blessings, baptisms, coming of age ceremonies, etc. Rev. Becky’s background is in various pagan religions, while mine is in Eastern philosophies, most prominently non-dual Kashmir Shaivism and Vedanta. Together, though, we were raised in the Roman Catholic tradition. We both realize that all of creation is diverse, and that there is no “black and white” world. While black and white are merely opposite ends of a spectrum, we welcome, celebrate, respect, and honor all the beautiful colors in between, as the very god we worship is just as colorful and diverse.
We invite everyone to join us for our regular services. At this point in time (Winter 2024), as we are at the very beginning of our journey, we have one or two public service gatherings per month, namely seasonal celebrations and community healing services. Dates and times of these events will be posted on our Facebook page and on our website's News & Events page. As we create more events, services, and community outreach programs, we will be in need of both donations and volunteers. We are currently in the process of getting set up to accept monetary donations to support our operations. While our church membership and needs are quite small, we are preparing ourselves for great growth to occur in the near future.
As mentioned, we welcome diversity. We see god as a manifestation of all that is, seen and unseen, members of all nations, races, religions, customs, genders and gender identities, sexual preferences, and neural and physical abilities. God does not exist more in some and less in others. God just is, and is all-pervasive. God is energy, and we move this energy in our deeds. Let’s make them count for the betterment, support, and reverence of ourselves and our fellow creations and reflections of god.